Monday 3 September 2012

Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) Bill must deliver long term value

This morning, Phil Gillard, SolutionsPT's general manager, expressed his thoughts on George Osborne's Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) Bill in an open letter to the media. The text that follows is Phil's letter. 

I’m excited by George Osborne’s plans for the Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) Bill. The move is bold, ambitious and firmly anchored in the reality of the UK’s economic landscape in 2012. I have no doubt that the injection of this quantity of funds into the infrastructure economy will be a huge, immediate, boost. However, I would like to see it result in investment that also benefits the nation in the long term. I believe that this can only come as the result of strong political leadership.

One of the best ways of creating value is to ensure that the large infrastructure projects going ahead as a result of this investment are specified to include a foundation of intelligent IT systems. This would result in a more easily managed infrastructure, a more profitable infrastructure; an intelligent infrastructure for the brave new world that will follow the recession.

In order to achieve this we need political vision and leadership at both national level and local level. Perhaps the best case study is provided by Barcelona, where the region’s smart city project is managed with strong political sponsorship from the mayor, Government commission and Government committee through to the aldermen.

By underwriting this investment the Government is providing a brilliant opportunity to supplement the short term economic boost from old fashioned road-building style investment with a more sustainable infrastructure. My message is clear Mr Osborne; long term infrastructure value demands a political infrastructure that works hand in hand with investment.

Phil Gillard, General Manager SolutionsPT

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