Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The top 10 hidden technical resource issues weighing your business down

It has been well documented that in the UK and Ireland, manufacturing industries are currently suffering from technical resources constraints. A shortage of qualified engineers, as well as an aging workforce mixed with the acceleration of the technological age is adding to this problem. In many cases to cover this shortfall over reliance is being put on key individuals in companies to support critical systems. This can lead to stretched resources, costly downtime from process failures, time, effort and costs being poured into deep routed process issues without resolution.

Here we explore the top 10 hidden technical resource issues which could be weighing your business down and preventing success: 

1. Stretched Technical Resources
2. Limited Technical Know How
3. Complex / Old Systems
4. Time Contraints
5. Old or Unresolved Support Issues
6. Managing Risks and Suppliers
7. Time Consuming Work-A-Rounds
8. Security Issues
9. Unnecessary System Errors
10. System Inefficiencies

Surely it is essential in this day and age to isolate the hidden weights in your business, establish how much time and energy these hidden weights are costing you, and work out a plan to either resolve them or outsource the work out. 

The last thing businesses need today are engineers tied up doing unnecessary work, when they could better focus their time on strategic thinking and actually doing the job they are employed to do. Surely empowering your workforce to focus on achieving core objectives should be on the top of everyone’s hit lists. 

Have your say let us know if you agree / disagree with the above, are there any hidden resource issues we have missed?

Helena Finnan, Marketing Manager, Software - SolutionsPT 

To read more about this topic click here 

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