Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Real Time and Embedded Computing – Is the Connected World 'Our Breakthrough'?

Early in my career I had the choice to go into a number of areas of real time computing, two of which were; industrial automation or embedded computing. I am not sure of why I chose the world of industrial automation –perhaps it was the thought of actually seeing things made in real time which was the attraction, in reality it was so long ago that I can’t remember!

During a debate with a customer the other day, we were discussing the relative profile of industrial automation in comparison to mainstream computing; the discussion concluded that in it's present state industrial automation would never be understood or appreciated by the general populous despite the fact that our industry is influential in most things we eat, drink, drive and wear.

I guess embedded computing fits into this category too, vital to our day to day lives (probably in most things we touch these days) but very low profile. 

As the growth continues through the Internet of Things (IOT),  are we about to see the convergence of embedded computing, real time networking, reporting and control into an industry in its own right? I certainly believe we will. Will this industry  have a profile and how will it be viewed by world in general?  I think it is essential a new type of profile is created - this will help to attract the best people.  

As the industry emerges we also need to start thinking about making it as exciting as mainstream computing or how can we compete for the brains being attracted by the likes of Google?. Certainly the work being commissioned by the Technology Strategy Board in the UK is a good start. 

Phil Gillard, General Manager, SolutionsPT

1 comment:

  1. The missing link between industrial automation or embedded computing and realization of impact by general public, is the fact the same technology is used in all the world's infrastructure. (power, sewer and water, elevators, bridges, tunnels, etc.) To help share this video with as many as possible http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4qg10yfp-s
    Thanks for the great blog
