Thursday, 11 April 2013

Web-Enabled Alarm Reporting - yes it's WAM!

SolutionsPT, is now the UK and Ireland distributor of UReason's Web Based Alarm Management Reporting software.

UReason's Web-enabled Alarm Management, (WAM) Solution, is an application which enables users to monitor and assess the behaviour of their alarm systems. It improves plant safety and reliability by eliminating the issues traditionally associated with standard alarm systems, whilst keeping operational and maintenance costs to a minimum. As one of our technical consultants  Paul Alcock says; "it's big data analysis for alarm reporting". 

Running on a server and against Wonderware alarm and event database, WAMTM Reporting allows up to five users at a time to access detailed reports and analysis and can evaluate an operator's workload, optimise alarm performance, reduce expenditure and analyse problem equipment.

WAMTM Run-time extends the functionality of the alarm system, by reducing the number of alarms in real-time and extending the alarm messages with information on cause, effect and appropriate action.

John Zubak, Managing Director, Ureason (UK) Ltd, said: "UReason selected SolutionsPT as a distribution partner because the company is the leading supplier in industrial IT and automation solutions. SolutionsPT shares our commitment to creating industry leading solutions and many of their products integrate very effectively with WAM."

Sue Roche, Software Manager at SolutionsPT, said: "We are always looking for partners who enable us to provide the tools and support needed for the development of value added applications for industry that integrate with or complement Wonderware software. UReason's Web Based Alarm Management requires minimal maintenance effort, reduces capital expenditure and also reduces downtime caused by unmanaged alarms."

Watch our recorded webinar about WAM click here or for more information click here. 

1 comment:

  1. This is really beneficial software for the companies so that they make their work more secure and reliable. Great Work and best part is that it is based upon WAMP.

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